The secret to employee wellness: Happy workdays – Part 1

Explore the basics of employee wellness in part one of our "Happy Workdays" series. Learn how introducing thoughtful wellness strategies can boost both mental and physical health at work.

Leonie Groß

Welcome to "Happy Workdays". This series offers a fresh perspective on employee wellbeing – a vital ingredient for thriving in today’s work environment. Research shows that wellbeing at work not only boosts productivity by up to 12% but also plays a crucial role in employee satisfaction and retention. However, despite its importance, a staggering 40% of employees report feeling regularly stressed at work, with many citing poor employee wellness support as a key issue.

Imagine a workplace that not only demands high performance but also actively supports you in achieving it – where your health and happiness are prioritised. Achieving this ideal isn't just aspirational. With thoughtful strategies and a commitment to wellbeing, any organisation can enhance its environment significantly.

In part one of this series, we’ll explore practical ways to integrate employee wellness into the daily grind, helping you and your team feel energised and valued. We'll delve into understanding what employee wellness truly encompasses, the benefits of physical wellness programs and crucial mental and emotional health resources.

Ready to boost both morale and efficiency? Let’s dive into how making wellness a priority can transform your workplace.

Understanding employee wellness

Employee wellness refers to the holistic health of employees across several dimensions – physical, mental, emotional and occupational. It’s not just about preventing illness; it’s about promoting overall wellbeing, enabling employees to achieve their full potential both in and out of work.

Why focus on employee wellness?

Focusing on wellness is more than a corporate responsibility; it’s a strategic advantage. Studies indicate that companies with strong wellness programmes see significant benefits, including:

  • Increased productivity: Healthy employees are up to three times more productive than their unhealthy counterparts.
  • Reduced absenteeism: Wellness programs can reduce sick leave by up to 27%.
  • Enhanced job satisfaction and retention: Employees in companies that prioritise wellness are more likely to be satisfied with their jobs and stay longer with the employer.

The scope of wellness programmes

Wellness programs can vary widely but generally include initiatives aimed at managing stress, promoting healthy lifestyles and creating a supportive work environment. Key components might include:

  • Physical health: Programs like gym memberships, fitness challenges and healthy eating options at work.
  • Mental health: Resources like workshops on stress management, access to counselling services and initiatives to reduce workplace stress.
  • Work environment: Creating spaces that promote wellbeing, such as ergonomic workstations, relaxation areas and green spaces.
  • Occupational health: Focus on the occupational aspects of wellness, including career development opportunities and fair compensation.

The impact of neglecting wellness

Ignoring employee wellness can lead to increased healthcare costs, higher employee turnover and reduced morale. Additionally, companies may suffer from poor public image and difficulty in attracting top talent.

Understanding the multifaceted nature of employee wellness is the first step towards creating a more productive, engaging and healthy workplace. It's not merely an HR initiative but a foundational strategy that impacts every aspect of business operations.

Physical employee wellness initiatives

Physical wellness is a cornerstone of overall health and directly influences mental and emotional wellbeing. Active employees tend to have better health profiles, higher levels of energy and improved mental sharpness. These benefits translate into reduced healthcare costs for employers and more productive, happier employees.

1. Implementing exercise programmes

On-site fitness classes

Offer classes such as yoga, pilates or circuit training at the workplace to make it convenient for employees to get active.

  • Benefits: Increases participation in physical activity, reduces stress and enhances team bonding.
  • Implementation tip: Survey employees to determine which types of classes are most desired and schedule them during times that are most likely to see high participation, such as early mornings, lunch breaks or right after work.

Gym memberships or fitness reimbursements

Provide subsidies or reimbursements for gym memberships or partner with local gyms for discounted rates.

  • Benefits: Offers flexibility for employees to choose their preferred fitness routines and facilities.
  • Implementation tip: Encourage team challenges or fitness tracking competitions to motivate participation using fitness apps or wearable devices.

Incentivised fitness challenges

Organise workplace challenges like "Walk 10,000 Steps a Day" or "Bike to Work" weeks with incentives such as prizes or extra vacation days.

  • Benefits: Encourages a healthier behaviour through friendly competition and rewards!
  • Implementation tip: Use a leaderboard and regular updates to keep engagement high and celebrate milestones to maintain interest.

2. Promoting healthy eating options

Healthy choices in the cafeteria

Ensure that the workplace cafeteria offers a variety of healthy eating options that are attractively displayed and priced competitively with less healthy options.

  • Benefits: Makes it easier for employees to make healthier food choices during their workday.
  • Implementation tip: Label foods with easy-to-understand nutritional information and highlight “meal of the day” options that are balanced and nutritious.

Health food workshops

Offer monthly workshops or cooking demonstrations that teach employees how to prepare healthy meals and snacks.

  • Benefits: Educates employees on nutrition and provides them with the skills to make healthier food choices at home and work.
  • Implementation tip: Bring in nutrition experts or local chefs to make these sessions more engaging and informative.

Snack swaps

Replace common unhealthy snacks provided in break rooms (like cookies and chips) with healthier alternatives (like fruits, nuts and yogurt).

  • Benefits: Reduces calorie intake and increases nutrient density of snacks consumed at work.
  • Implementation tip: Introduce new snack options gradually and gather feedback to see which options are most popular and sustainable.

Implementing effective physical wellness initiatives requires understanding the needs and preferences of your workforce. By providing diverse options and creating an inclusive environment where physical health is prioritised, companies can significantly enhance employee engagement and overall productivity.

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Mental and emotional health resources

Mental and emotional health are crucial for a sustainable work environment. Stress, anxiety and depression can significantly hinder employee performance and lead to higher absenteeism and turnover rates. Employers have a pivotal role in providing resources that support mental and emotional health, creating a workplace where employees feel supported and valued.

1. Stress management workshops

Wellbeing workshops

Offer workshops that cover topics like stress management, mindfulness, resilience training and emotional intelligence.

  • Benefits: Educates employees on how to handle stress effectively, identify signs of mental fatigue and employ strategies to manage emotional challenges.
  • Implementation tip: Schedule these workshops during less busy periods to ensure maximum participation and record sessions for those who cannot attend in real-time.

Regular meditation sessions

Implement guided meditation sessions that employees can join in-person or virtually. These sessions can be as short as 15 minutes and fit easily into a lunch break or before the start of the workday.

  • Benefits: Helps with reducing stress, improving concentration and enhancing overall emotional wellbeing.
  • Implementation tip: Use apps or partnerships with meditation providers to offer a variety of guided sessions that cater to different preferences and experience levels.

2. Mental health days

Encourage employees to take mental health days off, separate from their regular sick leave or vacation days, to focus on self-care without stigma.

  • Benefits: Normalises mental health maintenance, reduces burnout and refreshes employees so they can return to work more productive.
  • Implementation tip: Communicate openly about the importance of mental health days and lead by example, with management taking mental health days too.

3. Counselling services

Provide access to professional help services, either on-site or through virtual platforms. Consider options for anonymity and confidentiality to encourage utilisation.

  • Benefits: Offers professional support for employees dealing with personal and professional challenges, promoting quicker resolution and wellbeing.
  • Implementation tip: Partner with established mental health providers and promote these services during orientation and via regular internal communications.

4. Peer support programmes

Develop peer structures support networks where employees can connect with colleagues trained in basic counselling techniques to provide initial support and guidance.

  • Benefits: Fosters a supportive community within the workplace, reduces the stigma around discussing mental health and provides a first line of support.
  • Implementation tip: Train volunteers in basic mental health support and confidentiality principles and ensure they have resources to refer colleagues to professional help if needed.

Investing in mental and emotional health resources is not just beneficial, it’s essential for a healthy workplace. By providing these resources, employers can create an environment where employees feel supported and have the tools to manage their mental and emotional wellbeing effectively.


As we conclude Part One of our series on optimising employee wellness, we've covered the foundational aspects of creating a healthier workplace, from understanding the broad scope of what wellness means to implementing key physical and mental health initiatives. We’ve seen how simple changes, like more accessible fitness programs and supportive mental health resources, can significantly uplift our daily work life.

Stay tuned for Part Two, where we will explore advanced strategies for building a supportive work environment and promoting continuous learning and growth. We’ll also look at how integrating innovative tools like Priofy can further enhance these wellness initiatives, making your journey towards a healthier workplace both effective and engaging.

Thank you for joining us in this important conversation. Let's continue to make wellbeing a cornerstone of our professional lives as we move forward together!

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