Cookie policy

At PRIOFY, we prioritise transparent data collection and usage. This notice is to inform you about our use of cookies as part of our comprehensive Privacy Policy. This Cookie Policy provides detailed information about the cookies and similar technologies we employ on our website, including their purpose and legal basis.

1. What are cookies?

Cookies are small text files that your web browser places on your device. They store information about your visit, simplifying subsequent visits to our site.

    Our website primarily utilizes "First-Party Cookies," which are set and managed by our own site. When you revisit our website using the same device, the data stored in these cookies is sent back to our site. We also use "Third-Party Cookies" from external services, allowing access to certain pages on our website. In this case, the cookie data is sent to the external service's site.

    Cookies can be session-based, lasting only while you navigate our site and removed after your session ends, or long-term, remaining on your device until you or your browser deletes them.

    Cookies store and return information to tailor your user experience. They can also collect anonymized marketing data about your browsing on our site. It's important to note that only the cookie on your device is identified. Collection of additional personal data requires your explicit consent or is necessary for certain services.

    2. Consent for cookie usage

    We activate cookies for statistics or additional services only after receiving your consent. You can manage your cookie preferences through a cookie banner on our website, allowing you to customise settings at any time.

      3. Legal basis for cookie usage

      Under GDPR, personal data collection from users requires explicit consent for specific usage purposes.

        If you consent to cookie usage, data processing is based on Art. 6 para. 1 sent. 1(a) GDPR. If consent is not required, the basis is Art. 6 para. 1 sent. 1(f) GDPR.

        4. Our cookie usage

        We categorise cookies on our website into three types based on their purpose and function:

        • Necessary cookies
        • Functional cookies
        • Marketing and analytics cookies

        Necessary cookies

        These essential cookies are required for the smooth functioning of our website and its features. They cannot be individually toggled on or off. As First-Party Cookies, they are used exclusively by the EMDESK website, meaning the information they store is only sent to our site.

        The following necessary cookies are utilised on our website:

        Name Provider Purpose Duration
        CRAFT_CSRF_TOKEN Cross Site Request Forgery Prevention End of session
        allowedCookies, dateUpdated Saves the allowed cookies in the cookiebar 1 year

        Functional cookies

        These functional cookies are Third-Party cookies, enhancing our website's functionality. They enable features like watching videos hosted on YouTube or subscribing to our newsletter directly through our site. You have the option to activate or deactivate these cookies using the cookie banner on our website.

        The functional cookies currently in use on our website include:

        Name Provider Purpose Duration
        VISITOR_INFO1_LIVE Provides bandwidth estimations on pages with integrated YouTube videos. 6 months
        YSC Remembers user input and associate a user's actions. End of session
        CONSENT Remembers users decision on whether they enable YouTube cookies or not. 2 years

        Marketing and analytics cookies

        These cookies and technologies are Third-Party in nature, designed to help us understand how visitors interact with our tools and website. They play a crucial role in analysing user behaviour and site usage. You have the option to either activate or deactivate these cookies through the cookie banner on our website.

        The marketing and analytics cookies currently implemented on our website are as follows:

        Name Provider Purpose Duration
        __hstc Remembers users domain, utk, initial timestamp (first visit), last timestamp (last visit), current timestamp (this visit), and session number (increments for each subsequent session). 6 months
        __hssc Keeps track of sessions, determines if HubSpot should increment the session number and timestamps in the __hstc cookie, remembers users domain, viewCount, and session start timestamp. 1 hour
        __hssrc Set by HubSpot to determine if the visitor has restarted their browser. End of session
        __cf_bm Set by HubSpot's CDN provider and is a necessary cookie for bot protection. 1 hour
        messagesUtk Used by HubSpot to recognise visitors who chat with you via the chatflows tool. 6 months
        hubspotutk Keeps track of a visitor's identity, contains an opaque GUID to represent the current visitor and is passed to HubSpot on form submission and used when deduplicating contacts. 6 months
        _ga Contains a randomly generated user ID used to distinguish users. User and session information is stored anonymously. 2 years
        _gid Contains a randomly generated user ID used to distinguish users. User and session information is stored anonymously. 1 day
        _gat Used by Google Analytics to throttle the request rate. 1 hour
        _gcl_au Contains a randomly generated user ID used by Google AdSense to adjust advertising efficiency on the websites using their services. 3 months
        IDE Contains a randomly generated user ID used to recognise the user across different websites and display personalised advertising. 1 year
        1P_JAR Used by Google Analytics to collect site statistics and track conversion rates. 1 month
        AEC 6 months
        DV Contains a randomly generated user ID used to save user preferences, e.g. the preferred language, the number of search results to be displayed on the page, as well as the decision as to whether the Google SafeSearch filter should be activated or not. 6 months
        NID Contains a randomly generated user ID used to save user preferences, e.g. the preferred language, the number of search results to be displayed on the page, as well as the decision as to whether the Google SafeSearch filter should be activated or not. 6 months
        CONSENT Remembers users decision on whether they enable Google Analytics cookies or not. 2 years


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