Do you have any questions? Feel free to contact us anytime. We're here to help!

You want to learn more about Priofy, get to know the individual features in a non-binding product presentation, or are interested in a customized offer? We are here to help, no matter what questions you have. Simply fill out the contact form, and one of our experts will get in touch with you shortly. You can also quickly and easily book a suitable appointment - just click on "Book a call" on the right.

General & Sales

Technical Support

We are here to help:
Monday – Friday 10:00am – 5:00pm (GMT+1) with limited support during evenings, weekends and public holidays.


Office Erfurt

Peterstraße 5
99084 Erfurt

Office Hamburg

Bahrenfelder Str. 133
22765 Hamburg

Frequently Asked Questions

Where can I schedule a call or request a personal demo?

You can arrange a call or personal demo with one of our specialists using the button below.

See Priofy in Action

How can I inquire about a quotation?

You can request a quote by contacting us at

How do I order Priofy?

To order Priofy reach out to our sales team directly at, or book a short call with us.

Book a call

Do you offer onboarding or training services?

Yes, we provide onboarding and training sessions for your entire team, including external members, as part of most subscription plans. These services are included in the price, ensuring your team can maximize the benefits of our platform from the start.


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